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Powdery mildew of the sage

  Powdery mildew or white sickness is a cryptogamic disease, that is of fungal origin, which can affect sage plants and occurs on the leaves. This is the most frequent pathology among those that can affect this aromatic herb and occurs in particular with mild temperatures and high humidity. It is a very simple disease to identify: because the white patches that are seen on the leaves of the sage are very characteristic. A reader of Orto Da Coltivare, Barbara, asks me exactly what her plant can have, describing the symptoms of powdery mildew. I answer publicly because I think it may be useful for many to know how to defend themselves from this problem with natural methods and above all how to prevent it. Recognizing powdery mildew on sage Those who cultivate the vegetable garden will already know powdery mildew because it is a frequent pathology also on other cultivated plants, in particular on pumpkin and courgette. Powdery mildew is also called white sickness precisely because it ...

Fried cheese medallions: the recipe for a delicious and stringy appetizer

Fried cheese medallions are greedy and absolutely irresistible appetizer. Simple and ultra-fast, the recipe calls for the stretched curd cheese to be cut into slices, passed in a double coating of flour, eggs and breadcrumbs – a trick to obtaining a homogeneous and impeccable coating – and finally fried in boiling oil.

The result is a crunchy delight on the outside and soft and stringy at the heart: a very valid alternative to meat and fish, perfect for conquering young and old. If served in larger portions and accompanied by a side of vegetables or a salad, it can also be a delicious and quick second course, ideal when you have little time to devote to the stove but don’t want to give up something very satisfying. Find out how to make fried cheese medallions by following all our tips step by step.


EGGS 2 • 380 kcal
MILK 4 tablespoons • 42 kcal
FLOUR 4 tablespoons • 360 kcal
PANGRATTATO q.s. • 21 kcal
Salt to taste. • 0 kcal
The calories refer to 100 grams of the product

How to make fried cheese medallions

Cut the cheese into slices and cut into medallions about 1 cm thick (1).

Pass the cheese medallions in the flour, pressing well to make it adhere (2).

Break the eggs into a deep dish and beat them with the milk and a pinch of salt (3).

Pass the cheese slices in the eggs, making sure they are well covered (4).

Fried cheese medallions

Drain the slices and then bread them in breadcrumbs, then repeat the operation a second time (5).

Fried cheese medallions

Once breaded, place the discs on a plate (6), cover them with a sheet of cling film and transfer them to the freezer for at least 40 minutes.

Fried cheese medallions

After this time, remove the medallions from the freezer and fry them in boiling seed oil (7). When the crust is golden and the cheese slightly soft, drain and let them dry on absorbent kitchen paper.

Fried cheese medallions

Transfer the medallions to individual plates, salt them lightly and serve hot with a separate salad (8).

Fried cheese medallions


You can use a provola type cheese or another one of your choice, always with the spun paste: the important thing is that it is compact and dry. For a truly impeccable final result, remember to pass the cheese medallions first in the eggs and then in the breadcrumbs twice: this trick will allow you to seal them, avoiding unpleasant leaks during cooking, and to obtain a homogeneous and very consistent crunchiness.

To have these cheese medallions always ready and perfect, put them in the freezer before cooking them, for at least 40 minutes; alternatively, you can transfer them to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. In this way the breading will compact perfectly, protecting the cheese and preventing the liquid from escaping during frying.

To obtain perfect cooking, it is preferable to choose a peanut oil: odourless and with a smoke point that exceeds 200 ° C, it is among those oils that alter the taste of food less. The optimal temperature is between 160-180 ° C and it is advisable to fry a few pieces at a time in a large pan or in a wok. After cooking, drain the medallions well from the oil and let them dry on absorbent kitchen paper, without covering them, to avoid the formation of humidity.


It is recommended to consume hot and freshly made fried cheese medallions. You can also freeze them raw, so you always have them available when you want.

Read also Basil mayonnaise recipe/ Curry mayonnaise recipe/ Greek Mantuan cake recipe.


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